Lallemand Plant Care

Other Plant Protection products

PRESTOP main image


Biological and Natural Alternative to Chemical Control

PRESTOP G46 WG is a biological fungicide used in the production of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and ornamentals. It is a naturally occurring soil fungus that contains mycelium and spores of the Clonostachys rosea strain J1446 that controls a range of crop diseases.

* Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions.

Development on dead tissues, creating a protective barrier against pathogenic organisms.

PRESTOP WG provides effective control on a wide range of plant diseases, including:

  • Gray Mold and Stem Canker caused by Botrytis cinerea on a large variety of fruit and vegetable crops such as tomato, pepper, cucumber, lettuce, herbs and ornamentals
  • Gummy Stem Blight caused by Didymella bryoniae on cucurbit crops such as cucumber and melons
  • Damping-Off and Crown and Root Rot diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Fusarium species on a broad range of vegetable, herb and ornamental crops
  • Wilt Diseases caused by Fusarium and Verticillium species on major fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops
  • Charcoal Rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on crops such as strawberry and sweet potato.

Key benefits

  • Effective control of a wide variety of plant pathogens
  • Compatible with most chemical pesticides for use in an Integrated Pest Management program
  • OMRI-Listed
  • No risk for resistance due to several modes of action
  • Safe for growers, consumers, beneficial insects, and surrounding environment.


Contains a minimum of 1 x 109 Clonostachys rosea strain J1446


1 kg
100 g