Lallemand Plant Care


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* Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions.

AgriBacter®: A high quality 2 component inoculum product that contains min 1х1010 CFU/ml of Bradyrhizobium kind bacteria. The product allows inoculating soybean seeds 90 days before sowing.

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AgriBacter® Pea: A high-quality two-component pea inoculant preparation containing at least 2×109 CFU/ml live Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria cells. The drug makes it possible to inoculate seeds up to 7 days before sowing, and initiates the mass formation of productive nitrogen-fixing nodules at the initial stages of plant development.

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Bioboost® Plus (Liquid): A unique dual action inoculant for soybeans. It combines a patented plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) – Delftia acidovorans – with Bradyrhizobium.

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Rhizofix® Soy: A high quality inoculum product that contains min 4×10⁹ CFU/g of Bradyrhizobium kind bacteria. The product allows inoculating soybean seeds 24 hours before sowing.

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RhizoFix® Alfalfa: A high quality inoculum product that contains min 2×10⁹ CFU/g of Sinorhizobium meliloti kind bacteria. The product allows inoculating alfalfa 24 hours before sowing.

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